
Carmel Youth Assistance Program (CYAP) serves as an early intervention advocate for youth ages 3-17 residing within the boundaries of Carmel-Clay Schools who are facing challenging life circumstances. Leveraging the distinct legal authority of our Early Intervention Advocates, we collaborate closely with schools, law enforcement, and the judicial system to craft comprehensive intervention strategies. We coordinate our community’s vast array of talents, services, and resources to help youth and empower parents and caregivers.


Carmel Youth Assistance Program is dedicated to promoting equity for every young person in our community. We strive to empower youth by identifying their needs and connecting them with resources to become successful. Ultimately, empowering them to confidently advocate for themselves.


Advocacy: to support a particular person, cause, or group
Commitment: dedication to a person, cause, group, or idea
Connection: to prioritize close and ongoing relationships
Equality: to promote equal status, rights, and opportunities for all


Funding & Sustainability:
  • Diversification and retention
  • Add and expand
  • Sunset what no longer serves
  • Improve existing
  • Expand existing
  • Add new services to address emerging/growing needs
Leadership & Governance:
  • Board & Staff & Volunteers
  • Succession Planning
  • New Hires
  • Training and infrastructure
  • Streamlining systems
  • Retention